We believe every Salesforce implementation is a series of continuous innovations and improvements because of its unique platform. This acknowledges that there are always more efficiencies, enhancements and automations that can be leveraged once you have a strong foundation. That’s why we believe in the Crawl, Walk, Run approach. Our methodology results in higher user adoption and overall implementation success.
Design, Build, Adopt
Every project implementation has the following core phases:
Enterprise Design Thinking
A focus on user outcomes… Enterprise Design Thinking puts your users at the center of the work and solves for their needs. When the focus is on the end users and their needs, it’s easier to decide what’s important. This makes the solution more essential and relevant for those using it.
Who are your users?
What is their current experience?
How could it be improved?
By asking these questions, we get closer to understanding your end users and in turn, finding the ideal solution for them. Industrious uses Enterprise Design Thinking in our projects and yields outstanding results for our clients. Design thinking provides a model for action called “The Loop”: a continuous cycle of observing, reflecting, and making.
“Enterprise Design Thinking can deliver new products or services to the market twice as fast.”
“Companies who leverage Enterprise Design Thinking see a 300% return on investment.”
“Teams who use Enterprise Design Thinking are 75% more efficient.”
Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study (2018)
Change Management
The hardest part of a new system implementation is getting users to adopt it, and change the way they do things.
The ability for clients to manage change resulting from a new system implementation can make or break its success.
Our change management methodology engages users and includes a communication guide and email templates for clients to leverage.
The result – high user adoption and employee engagement.
The Industrious ADKAR model is a goal-oriented change management framework that guides organizational change. By outlining the goals and outcomes of successful change, the ADKAR Model is an effective tool for planning change management activities.
Successful User Acceptance Testing (UAT) almost always leads to a successful Go Live.
Industrious has developed a proprietary tool used for User Acceptance Testing, called ZAP TM which lives in the Client’s Salesforce Org
Offered exclusively to our clients to assist with gathering and managing UAT feedback during the implementation phase, and long after the project closes.
Minimizes rework, saves time and expedites learning for users
Creates a knowledge base and valuable assets relating to the evolution of the Client’s Salesforce Org.
CRM Amplify™
Once the system has been implemented, we provide transition coaching to help clients keep “The Loop” going on their own.
Helps the reinforcement phase of change management
Coaching is tailored and focused on 3 groups; Executive, End Users and System Administrators and includes;
regular meetings to review user adoption and feedback
identify additional business processes to operationalize
insights from enhanced reports & analytics
reinforcement training
advice, overall guidance and best practice consulting
PMi Project Management
Professionally managed projects using PMi project management approach
Agile, waterfall or hybrid approach depending on project needs